Powell Berger, Professional Writer
Succinct. On Message. To The Point.
A writer, a communicator, a story-teller and another perspective for businesses, entrepreneurs, and not-for-profits looking to spread the word.
I write for a living. In-depth journalism, white papers, speeches, press releases, web content, profiles, RFP copy, travel, essays, and more. I do my research. I ask questions. I dig for answers. I also copy edit, proofread, and get persnickety about grammar.
Strategy drives everything I do.
I work with clients to trouble-shoot, determine objectives, and then build a strategic platform that drives the project forward.
Who is the audience?
What are we looking to accomplish?
Why? Who is the audience? What are we looking to accomplish?
White Papers and Issue Papers
Development Materials
“ask” letters
Website Content
Newsletters – corporate, not-for-profit, personal (digital and print)
Blog Posts
Annual Reports
Commercial and Video Scripts
Press Releases and Media Kits
Corporate brochures and policy papers
Talking Points
Editorial Letters
Marketing, Business, Communications & Strategic Plans
Marketing Materials – brochures, leave-behinds, one-pagers, and more.
Bios and Personal Statements
Corporate Writing, Strategic Plans,
Say what you mean, to the right audience, with the right tone.
When you want to say something, sell something, convey something, or simply get your point across, I can help.
My Client Promise:
I only take on the client projects I can handle, and I turn the work around quickly. A couple hours for a cover letter is just as critical as a long-term project, and everyone gets my personal, hands-on attention.
Project Management = Crisis Prevention
While I don't typically divulge clients, I am proud of the work I’ve done (and am still doing) for entities that include:
Investor Owned Utilities
Fortune 500 companies
Renewable Energy companies
Large not-for-profit groups, including community foundations, shelters for homeless and domestic violence victims, food insecurity organizations, conservation organizations, and programs targeting at-risk youth.
Small not-for-profits serving similar populations
Several elite private K-12 schools
B to B work with other communications firms
Individuals looking for resumes, web copy or other written material
Project Management, Oversight & Implementation
Crisis Management Plans, Management, and Go Book
Media Relations
Media Training
Community Relations & Outreach
Annual Reports
Work with me.
Send a message describing your writing project and let’s get in touch!